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Terms & Condition
DigiDinar.com & LocalDigiDinar.com is a business to peer & peer to peer trading platform service that enables its users to exchange currency to and from digital currencies. Users can use the platform to create advertisements where they offer to buy or sell bitcoin. Other users reply to these advertisements and the two users can agree to meet to trade bitcoins for cash or complete the trade online. In order for a user to sell bitcoins they ("seller") must store the bitcoins in the DigiDinar.com web wallet belonging to their account from where the bitcoins are transferred to the user purchasing the bitcoins ("buyer") after the seller confirms the buyer’s payment. All trades on this site are conducted between users of the service. DigiDinar.com may help to resolve disputes between buyers and sellers. Acting as an escrow provider, DigiDinar.com is not itself a party of any bitcoin trade or transactions conducted by its users.
These Terms of Service ("Agreement") form a legal agreement covering the provision of services ("service" or "services") provided by DigiDinar or ("DigiDinar.com" or "LocalDigiDinar.com" or "us" or "our" or "we") to you as an individual ("you" or "your"). Your use of the services will be governed by this Agreement, along with the DigiDinar Privacy Policy. Please read through this Agreement and Privacy Policy carefully before accepting them.
Before you can register an account, you must accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. By accepting this Agreement or by using the Service, you expressly acknowledge and agree that you are entering into a legal agreement with DigiDinar, and have understood and agree to comply with, and be legally bound by, this Agreement.
For changes to these Terms of Service that will significantly affect your rights and obligations we will strive to notify you before the changes take effect. You can terminate this Agreement at any time by concluding any outstanding trades and other obligations, withdrawing any remaining balances and deleting your account.
To use our services, or to access this site or some of the resources it has to offer, you may be asked to provide registration details in order to register a user account ("User Account" or "account"). It is a condition of use of this site and our services that all the details you provided are correct, current, and complete. If we believe the details are not correct, current, or complete, we have the right to refuse you access to the site, or any of its resources, and to terminate or suspend your account.
To be eligible to use our services you must be at least 18 years old. You may only use your own account at DigiDinar and you may only have one account registered. You may only act on your own behalf. You may not use your account to act as an intermediary or broker for any person or entity. You are not allowed to sell, borrow, share or otherwise make available your account or any detail necessary to access your account to people or entities other than yourself no 3rd parties are allowed to use your accounts in any way or form.
You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any and all usernames, passwords, two-factor authentication codes or any other codes or credentials that you use to access the services.
Your account must not contain misleading or fraudulent information, including, but not limited to having a non-personal phone number. Creating fake reputation information for your account, faking your country of origin or providing fraudulent identification documents is prohibited.
Nationality Jurisdiction
We do not allow any users of the following nationalities to register or use DigiDinar
Israel, USA.
In order to ensure DigiDinar remains as a safe platform for all of our customers we require you to verify your identity to access part of the services we offer. Identity verification may be required when you create advertisements, pass certain trade volume limits, trade disputes, fraud investigations, and above all to ensure account ownership. As part of our ID verification process we require you to provide us with:
Full Name (Given Name, Middle Name and Surname)
Passport/Driver License/National ID Card
Address Proof
1 Passport Size Photograph
In certain situations, we may require enhanced identity verification. This may include requirements to verify details or sources of income/funds regarding payments made or received during your trades on DigiDinar as well as bitcoin transactions sent or received from your DigiDinar account.
Verified ID Accounts have clear account ownership which makes it easy to return access in case you lose all access to your account. It is very hard or impossible to return access to accounts that are unverified, even if you know your username, as it is difficult to identify the original account owner.
You can initiate bitcoin trades ("trade"" or "contact") to either buy or sell bitcoin by sending trade requests to advertisements created by other users.
By sending a trade request you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the trade as selected and determined by the advertiser (whether by selecting from options available to advertiser for advertisements or by any freeform terms and conditions set out by the advertiser in the Terms of trade field) displayed on the advertisement page. The terms and conditions specified by the advertiser are valid in all cases except when they contradict or violate these Terms of Service, are unreasonable or otherwise difficult to comply with, are illegal, or if both parties of the trade consent to alter the terms and conditions of the trade.
The exchange rate, bitcoin amount, payment window, payment method and other terms and conditions of the trade that are visible on the advertisement page prior to sending a trade request cannot be altered once a trade request has been sent and the trade has started.
When you are selling bitcoin it is solely your responsibility to check that you have confirmed, independent of the buyer and their payment evidence, that you have received payment for the full amount, the payments are not to be made by a third party to the trade, and that it has been made according to your instructions given to the buyer. After you have released a trade (Cryptocurrency) to the buyer it is not possible to cancel, reverse, dispute or otherwise recover or return the bitcoins to you.
Payments made by buyers must be sent by the same person that is registered and uses the account. Payment details provided by sellers must match the name of the DigiDinar account holder. Making, providing, or attempting to make or provide payments to or from third parties is considered a violation of this agreement.
All communication relevant to the trade must happen in the trade chat part of the trade in such a way that it is readily available for DigiDinar support staff to review. Communication that has not occurred on DigiDinar or that has been hidden, encrypted or otherwise obstructed from view is not taken into consideration during dispute review and dispute resolution.
When a buyer and a seller are in disagreement over a trade either party or DigiDinar can start a dispute ("Disputed trade or "dispute '') to initiate a mediation process on the bitcoin held in escrow. Disputed trades are reviewed and resolved by DigiDinar support staff.
Disputes can only be started on trades that are open and marked as paid by the buyer. Trades that are not marked as paid by the buyer, have been released by the seller, cancelled by the buyer, automatically cancelled, or already disputed and resolved are considered completed and cannot be disputed, reversed, or altered.
When you are involved in a Cryptocurrency trade it is important that you remain active and available from the time the trade is started to the time that the trade is completed, cancelled, or resolved. This means that you must be able to provide a response to a request by DigiDinar support in a disputed trade within 12 hours or you may be deemed as unresponsive and the dispute may be resolved against you.
During a dispute review DigiDinar support may give you instructions that you are required to follow. The instructions given to you may require you to provide proof of payment, proof that you have or have not received payment (e.g. bank transaction history), additional ID verification, photo; audio; or video evidence, or any other documents deemed relevant by DigiDinar. Unless otherwise specified by DigiDinar, these documents must be added to the disputed trade itself. Failure to follow the instructions may lead to the dispute being resolved against you.
A disputed trade is most commonly resolved by DigiDinar supporting moving the escrowed bitcoin to the buyer or the seller of the disputed trade once the dispute resolution criteria are met.
In rare situations where neither party fulfil the criteria, or it is in other ways unclear or not possible to determine which party has fulfilled the dispute resolution criteria, DigiDinar may decide to resolve the dispute by splitting the escrowed bitcoin between the buyer and the seller evenly or unevenly.
DigiDinar can resolve a disputed trade to a bitcoin buyer when one of the following criteria are met:
The buyer has made payment according to the instructions provided by the seller in the trade chat, advertisement terms of trade, or advertisement payment details and the buyer has provided sufficient proof that the payment was made according to these instructions.
The seller has become unresponsive.
DigiDinar can resolve a disputed trade to a bitcoin seller when one of the following criteria are met:
The buyer has not provided payment or not provided payment in full
The buyer has become unresponsive
The payment made by the buyer has been held/frozen/stopped by the payment provider
The buyer has not provided payment according to the instructions provided to them by the seller in the trade chat, advertisement terms of trade or advertisement payment details.
The payment is made by a third party to the trade OR the payment is made from a payment account not registered in the name of the buyer.
If the buyer or the seller of a disputed trade provides fraudulent information or fraudulent documents or makes false claims or otherwise tries to force a certain outcome of a disputed trade the dispute may be immediately resolved against the user.
If you believe DigiDinar has resolved a dispute you are a party of in a way which is not in accordance with these terms you have a right to request a review. To request a review you need to notify us and specifically request a review by contacting customer support no later than 120 days after the dispute resolution.
You can create cryptocurrency trade advertisements ("advertisement"" or "ad" or "ads") to advertise that you want to buy or sell cryptocurrencies. Other users can send trade requests to you from the advertisements that you’ve created. When a trade request is sent to you a cryptocurrency trade is automatically started.
When you have advertisements enabled you are required to be active and available to reply to trades started from these advertisements. If a dispute is initiated in a trade against an advertiser who is not active and available the advertiser may be deemed unresponsive as per this agreement and the dispute may be resolved against them.
Information and payment details, you provide in advertisements and trades must at all times be correct and up to date. Disputes may be resolved against you if you include out-of-date payment details and a buyer completes payment accordingly. Refusal to complete trades or to provide payment details for trades opened from your advertisements is considered a violation of this agreement.
The price or price equation that is defined in the advertisement details must contain any and all fees that the advertiser requires the buyer to pay. After initiation of a trade the price is locked and cannot be changed or any additional fees added without consent from both parties of the trade.
Local Cash advertisements are advertisements in the categories "Buy bitcoins locally" and "Sell bitcoins locally" or any other advertisement where the payment method is specified as cash or where the advertisement type is local sell or local buy.
Multiple ads per city are not allowed unless the ads are limited to different customer groups.
Online advertisements are advertisements in the categories "Buy Cryptocurrency online" and "Sell Cryptocurrency online" or any other advertisement where the payment method is any other than cash or the advertisement type is online buy or online sell.
You must place your ads in the correct payment category.
Multiple ads for the same payment method are not allowed in the same country unless the ads are limited to certain customer groups and the advertisements have a price difference of at least 3%.
Occasionally situations arise where we may need to limit, suspend, or terminate your account. Account limitation ("limit", "limitation") results in a temporary or permanent loss of access to a certain specific part or parts of the services we offer. Account suspension ("suspension", "block", "ban") results in a temporary loss of access to most parts of the services we offer. Account termination ("termination", "permanent ban") results in permanent loss of access to all services we offer as well as termination of this Agreement.
We have the right to, limit, suspend, or terminate your account or access to the services that we provide to you if: